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An overview of text formatting buttons

Here is an overview of text formatting buttons. Please see our editor button overview as well.

Overview of formatting buttons in OpenCms

Please note
Not all buttons are activated for structured content files. By default, structured content editors only display the most common buttons.


Format drop down for heading styles

The Format drop down allows you to format your content with specific heading styles. The heading styles are pre-programmed based on your website design.

Heading 1 – Main Headings
Heading 2 – Sub Headings
Heading 3 – Sub-Sub Headings
… and so on.

Heading styles are important for search engine optimization. In order to apply heading styles, you need to apply clear paragraph breaks to the content – see our practical example.

Bold text  Bold

button-italics  Italics

Underline text  Underline text.

Strikethrough text  Strike through text

Subscript text  Subscript

Use for subscript like H20.

Please note
The plain text paste function will not carry over subscript from other sources – when pasting content from other sources subscript formatting will need to be re-applied manually in the editor.

Superscript text  Superscript

User for superscript like footnotes.

Please note
The plain text paste function will not carry over superscript from other sources – when pasting content from other sources superscript formatting will need to be re-applied manually in the editor.

Left align content  Left

Left align content.

Centre content  Centre

Centre content on the page.

Right align content  Right

Right align content.

Justify content  Justify

Justify content.

Insert numbered list in OpenCms  Insert Numbered List

Create a numbered list (see our practical example).

Insert bullets in OpenCms  Insert Bulleted List

Created a bullet list (see our practical example).

Decrease indent in OpenCms  Decrease Indent

This is used to define hierarchy for bullets and numbered lists (see our practical example).

Increase indent in OpenCms  Increase Indent

This is used to define hierarchy for bullets and numbered lists (see our practical example).

Change text colour  Text Colour

Change the text colour. This option is not enabled for all editors.

Change background colour  Background Colour

Change the background colour for a page. This option is not enabled for all editors.